Emergency GPS location. E2970640, N6425404.


67 Port Waikato-Waikaretu Road, Port Waikato 2695, New Zealand
Latitude : -37.39542 | Longitude : 174.731586

Click the link below for a Google Maps satellite image of the entire area with points of interest marked.

Accommodation Information.

There are 4 main dorms with a total of 100 beds.
There are 20 separate rooms.

On the West side of the camp there are 4 rooms, Honeymoon Suite with 2 single beds and Ensor Block with 4 rooms with 1 single bed each. There is also a toilets block and shower room.

On the East side the Captain's Cabin has 3 single beds. Maunsel Dorm has 2 rooms attached, 1 with 2 single beds and 1 with a single bed.

Spargo Dorm has 1 room attached with 2 single beds.

Dame Hilda Hut has a toilet, a single bed and a double bed.

The Medical room has 1 single bed and behind it is another room with 2 single beds.

The Apartments has 3 rooms with single beds, and a separate toilet and shower room attached.

Across the bridge on the South side there is a block of rooms called The Chapel Huts which has 3 rooms, 1 room with a single bed, 1 room with 2 single beds and a third room with 3 single beds.

Ashwell Dorm has a room attached with 1 double bed and a single bed.

Morgan Dorm has 1 room attached with 3 single beds.